All of UF Health Autopsy Services’ examinations are performed in a clean, well-lit autopsy suite that is furnished throughout with modern examination tools and equipment. Professional-grade photo and video recording rigs underscore the leading-edge capabilities of our facilities, affording our examiners the capability to record pertinent findings and review real-time autopsy proceedings with out-of-area physicians and authorities if necessary.
Our autopsy suite also benefits from a built-in CDC-compliant air-handling system that removes more than 99 percent of all airborne antigens during autopsy proceedings, allowing our physicians to examine potentially hazardous subjects in a controlled and safe environment.
These provisions and more are what set our facilities apart from those of other Florida autopsy providers’.
Have a Look Inside Our Autopsy Suite:
At UF Health Autopsy Services, we invite you to take a moment to explore our immaculate and fully equipped autopsy suite at the link below.
Be advised that, while they are not graphic, the photographs shown at the following link may be upsetting to some individuals who are grieving the recent loss of a loved one.
View discretion is advised.